Legal Notice

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All of Imagine Optic’s products are in compliance with current European Union environmental regulations. 3 regulations in particular apply to our application areas :

* CE Directive 2002/95 ROHS regulation: The RoHS (Restriction of the use Of certain Hazardous Substances) limits the use of certain substances to a proportion of 0.1% (except 0.01% for Cadmium) par measurement unit of homogeneous material. These substances are the following: lead, mercury, cadmium, chrome hexavalent, PBB and PBDE.
* CE Directive 2002/96 DEEE: The directive defines the legal framework for the recovery of waste from electrical and electronic equipment. The Directive notably requires separate waste collection of electronic and electrical equipment, systematic and selective treatment and reuse of certain components, recycling, accounting for the value of the DEEE collected or recycled. Link for France : ADEME DEEE
* CE Directive 1907/2006 REACH: The REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals) Directive puts in place a management system under which the registration, the evaluation and the authorization of chemical substances is used to control the most dangerous chemical substances.

Imagine Optic suggests that you contact your country’s local authorities to understand how you should apply these Directives.

All requests for certificates of conformity regarding these norms should be addressed to Imagine Optic by clicking here.

Imagine Optic’s recycling policy is based on recuperating products at the end of their useful life through its recycling department. Please note that costs associated with sending products back are the responsibility of the client. For additional information, please contact us by clicking here.